Wednesday, August 26, 2015


maklumat telah diberi
berita telah disampaikan
ekonomi dunia sedang merundum
sejarah kelihatan berulang

lihat nanti apa terjadi
pada bulan september
pada bulan oktober

dalam krisis yaang bagini hebat
kaum pemodal internasional
akan berkumpul
akan berbincang
dari pengalaman yang lalu
kaum pemodal akan memilih peramng
untuk menyelamatkan diri

zaman meleset 1929
di muncul kan
perang dunia ke dua 1941
zaman meleset 1970
perang vietnam
zaman meleset 1988
perang iraq pertama
perang iraq kedua
zaman meleset 2008
perang arab israel
perang syria


China 2015: beware the links with 1929

On day one the stock market fell by 13%. On day two it fell by a further 12%. On day three hopes were high the storm had blown over after equity prices recouped the previous session’s losses. Let this be a cautionary tale. These figures relate not to the Shanghai Composite index in August 2015 but the Dow Jones Industrial Average in October 1929. 

The stock market bubble has now well and truly popped and the rebalancing of the economy away from over-investment has not yet begun. China’s leaders cannot stave off a hard landing for ever. Indeed, the hard landing may already have arrived. This financial crisis is not over. The question is what impact it will have on the global economy. 


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