Sunday, May 8, 2011

MCA ‘cowards’ for silence over Umno’s racial threats, says Kok

In a statement, the Seputeh MP mocked the MCA, saying the party should be renamed the Malaysian Cowards Association for its ineffectiveness. — file pic

KUALA LUMPUR, May 8 — The MCA are cowards for not speaking up against the divisive racial threats by its Barisan Nasional (BN) senior partner Umno, Selangor DAP chairman Teresa Kok said today.
The Seputeh MP continued her party’s war of words against MCA, saying it should stop accusing the opposition party of fanning racial sentiments among the Chinese as MCA leaders lacked the moral courage to criticise Umno, Utusan Malaysia and Perkasa when the occasion called for it.
“MCA should rename itself the Malaysian Cowards Association for consistently being too chicken to stand up to the divisive racial threats of UMNO, Utusan Malaysia and Perkasa.
“Time and time again, MCA leaders have been too yellow livered to stand up for the interests of the Chinese whom they claim to represent, for fear of hurting their personal political careers,” said Kok in a statement today.

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